Legal notice

Toyota Kreditbank GmbH:

Toyota-Allee 5
50858 Cologne

Tel: 02234-102-10
Fax: 02234-102-70

Managing Directors: Christian Ruben, George Juganar, Axel Nordieker
Deputy Managing Directors: Holger Jeromin, Andreas Roterberg

Registered office of the company: Cologne

Commercial register:
Local Court Cologne, HRB 18068

VAT ID no:

Regulatory Authority:
Federal Agency for
Financial Services Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
Graurheindorfer Str. 108
53117 Bonn
Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28
60439 Frankfurt am Main

Complaint management:

We would like to answer complaints promptly. To make this possible, please tell us as specifically as possible what your complaint is about, i.e., for example, which account or service you are referring to. It is helpful if you leave your contact information as complete as possible.
When we receive your complaint, we will respond to it as promptly as possible. Sometimes this requires research to verify and assess the facts of the case. Therefore, we usually aim to respond to your complaint within 14 days. We will then inform you of the result of our investigation or our position.

Consumer dispute resolution:

Arbitration Board at the Deutsche Bundesbank
To settle disputes with Toyota Kreditbank GmbH (TKG), consumers have the option of calling the conciliation board of the Deutsche Bundesbank. TKG is willing to participate in this out-of-court complaint procedure. The request must be submitted in text form (e.g. by letter, e-mail or fax) to Deutsche Bundebank, Schlichtungsstelle, Postfach 111232, 60047 Frankfurt a.M., e-mail:, fax: 069-70909901. Further details are set out in the leaflet entitled "The Conciliation Board at the Deutsche Bundesbank", which is available on request or can be downloaded from the Deutsche Bundesbank's Conciliation Board website at

European online dispute resolution platform
The European Commission has established a European online dispute resolution platform (ODR platform) at A consumer can use the ODR platform for the out-of-court settlement of a dispute arising from online contracts with companies established in the EU.